Tag: secure
With the last-minute Christmas shopping scramble in full effect, people are perhaps less worried about those online purchases than they should be. Away from the “big players” such as Amazon and eBay, there’s a range of online stores that look and feel the same but may not necessarily …
The gambling industry has undergone a dramatic evolution in the last few years, and the popularity it has received is interlinked with that evolution. Because of the advancements in technology, mobile casinos are practically indistinguishable from the laptop or computer counterparts. This has made them incredibly popular, if …
Gone are the days when a “VPN” used to be something that only tech-savvy people would know about and want. Now you’ll find that VPNs are advertised on TV. A “VPN” stands for “Virtual Private Network”. Sat in a cafe, connected to the free WiFi, you can never …
VPNs have become crucial tools in order to stay safe while browsing the internet. They make it that much easier to work and browse anonymously. However, with so many options out there, including free solutions, should every VPN be trusted? A Virtual Private Network encodes your internet traffic …
We’ve all spent quite a lot of time indoors of late and, despite the wide range of entertainment available through the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime and Rakuten, you may find that you’ve watched nearly everything that’s out there. However, you may feel like you’ve gone through every …
Do you ever worry about your privacy when you’re online? If you’re not concerned, you should be. Did you know that Binance Exchange, one of the largest companies dealing with crypto-currencies and Bitcoin, lost $41 million in just a single hack? If you’re just browsing the internet then …
The news is out: soon, both Twitter and WhatsApp will be getting an upgrade. It will involve giving their users the option of sending out self-destructing messages. Not too long ago, Gmail started offering the same to its user-base, and other services picked up the practice. But how …
OK, let’s talk about VPNs. This is usually the point at which most people lose interest though, because an acronym alone is enough to make people switch off. Put simply, a VPN will secure your smartphone connection and encrypt the traffic going over the web. So why do …
Have a look at most UK homes and there is normally an alarm box situated at the front with the blinking LED. Let’s be honest though, how many of us actually go and investigate if the alarm starts blaring? Truth be told, not many. “Well my alarm sends …
OK, so you’re a bit worried browsing to certain places on your phone. If you’re using the work WiFi then they’ll be tracking you. If you’re using the free WiFi at the local coffee shop then, yes, they might be snooping. You can’t be sure that the information …
As we saw just yesterday, your phone can open you up to scams and other dangers. This is even true if you’ve got a “dumb” mobile without all the clever smartphone extras. Out there, on the other end of your phone, are endless people who want to extract …
Keeping yourself safe online. It’s something that you know you should do, but you either rely on someone else to protect you or you haven’t had the time. Just a few years ago, mention a “VPN” and literally nobody would know what you were talking about. They were …
As you’ll have no doubt noticed recently, websites are now being a little more honest with you. It’s made the internet a sometimes quite frustrating place, with pop-ups telling you that a website wants to send updates, then notifications that the website is going to send you cookies, …
I’m away on business at the moment, and as this is happening with alarming regularity I’ve slipped into a habit of bringing my “home comforts” with me. Trouble is, you can’t always get every home comfort. The tea for example, it’s just not the same. However, with the …
So this is a thing. What caught my eye about this is this simple fact from the Elephant Alarms website.. Your door, especially if you live in an apartment (this is designed with flats, apartments and small offices in mind), can be a huge weak spot and an …
Update: According to TheBestVPN, the most secure and reputable VPN is ExpressVPN. You can read their ExpressVPN review here. Right. Let’s be honest. People don’t want to pay for WiFi. Get to the airport and, if you connect and find there’s some insane pricing structure, you’ll probably decide …
As you may have realised by the sheer age of this website, I’m old enough to remember when there simply were no phones in school. I grew up in an age when there was a First School, a Middle School and a High School. At no time did …
Late last night we switched the site over from http://www.coolsmartphone.com to https://www.coolsmartphone.com. There’s a few reasons why we did this. Firstly, Google is pushing for websites to do this as it secures the connection between you there and us here. Any data flowing from the site or into …
If you’ve bought into the Nest gadgets, this next big gadget from Google is definitely going to be on your shopping list. This is a doorbell, and like all doorbells it’ll sit right alongside your knockers to alert you to visitors. Called the “Hello”, it is a bit …
Many of us will probably be getting numb to the fairly regular security warnings that become inextricably connected to our smartphones. There’s an acceptance of risk when we download apps, and we freely skip past that screen which tells us just how many permissions an app requires. Now …
Remember when a briefcase or a stack of paperwork left on a train or in a taxi would be in the daily news? Private data, secure notes and plans for changes in government or a major company could oh-so-easily fall into the hands of others. Shortly after, it …
At this time of year, it’s safe to say that many of you may be returning, or just about the embark, on a summer holiday. Now, as we mentioned before, if you fly from and to an EU country you can use your phone just as if you …
Trust me, it’s not a scary thing. Just recently I had a relative ask why I had two WiFi networks at home. I explained that one was a VPN router, and offered me privacy and security. That, if I’m being honest, made their eyes glaze over a little. …
There’s no end of VPN solutions on t’interweb. Likewise, if you have a look on iTunes or Google Play there’s a big list of VPN apps for you. However, with the increasing popularity of Kodi TV boxes and the streams and programmes they deliver, it’s worth getting protected. …
Yes, I’ve been sent a wallet to review. A wallet.It’s a wallet. For your money and your bank cards. The end. Yes, I should perhaps tell you a bit more about it because, as we all know, if you want to know what wallet to buy, come to …
Used a free WiFi hotspot recently? If I’m honest, I try not to use them when I’m in my home country. I, like many others, tend to use my phone as my main gadget now – no laptop or tablet – so I’ve usually got a mobile network …
Paying for things has taken a massive leap forward in recent years. Money seems to be getting used less and less, and instead I’m tapping my bank card on terminals in supermarkets, on vending machines and through toll booths. It’s simple, it’s quick and it’s really easy. Now, …
I won’t beat around the bush. If you’re doing anything that you’d like to be kept a bit secret from your ISP then you need a VPN. Whether it be streaming, torrents or something in-between, online privacy is something you need to be looking at. However, it’s always …
You’ve seen a few of our recent camera reviews covering security gadgets for your home. Most of the time it’s security cameras, but they’re not always the fixed ones we’ve checked out – we’ve also used our smartphones to control cameras, to control the heating and more. Home …
Hop off at Green Park or Bond Street and, if you want to buy a new smartphone with military-grade security, it’s probably best that you only look through the window of the new SIRIN LABS store at 34 Bruton Place in London. Why? Well, chances are that if …
I am utterly hopeless at backing stuff up. I’ve held onto my ageing LG G3 because there’s buckets of photos on the internal and external storage. I just can’t bring myself to move to another phone but – even worse – nothing is backed up. If I lose …
I like to hop on my bike and do some nutty rides when I can. However, when you reach your destination you’ll soon find that your expensive bike can become the target for thieves. A company called Noke have already had experience of creating smart-locks – those clever …
I’m conscious that, as my kids hit their teenage years, it becomes a pretty complicated phase in life. As parents we didn’t really have many of the problems that children have today. They’re now connected to the web and a lot of interaction is done online. We didn’t …
I can feel things slipping now. First this site covered Microsoft smartphones, then Android, Apple and perhaps a few accessories. Now we’re getting all manner of connected gadgets. This particular pitch is from an operation called Response Electronics, who want you to know about all their rather clever …
Whether you’re playing World of Goo, Candy Crush Saga, a full-on RPG, or the latest real-money casino games, every mobile user needs to be concerned about security. No-one wants personal details stolen, logins compromised, or credit card information hacked into, but the truth is that attacks are on the …
Are mobile phone sites safe? We’ve quickly moved away from desktop PC’s and, instead, we’re browsing mobile sites on tablets and smartphone more than ever. These sites are no longer a simple gimmick as they provide a vital source of income, business and simple traffic for those businesses …
Thought that might get your attention 😉 Imagine the scene, you are on a bus /train/aeroplane/horse drawn cart or other mode of transport. You are minding your own business and get off without a care in the world. A while later you go to get your phone and …
Ouch. Body shot. Boom. The Federal Trade Commission have slapped HTC for the security issues on many Android handsets made by the company. The FTC complaint states that… HTC (..) customized its Android-based mobile devices by adding and/or modifying various pre-installed applications and components in order to differentiate …
Today, my dear friends, is an entire decade since this little domain first went live on the internet. I was only 6 years old at the time, but luckily I managed to get someone with a credit card to buy the domain and we flicked the switch. To …
Sure, I could’ve used some professional software to demo this but heck – where’s the fun in that eh? 🙂 Today I took a look at Mobile Device Manager, a free service which tracks, locates, secures and manages your mobile device or devices. I’ve spoken about it before, …