Tag: surface

Microsoft are back in the phone game

A phone? From Microsoft? And it’s running Android? Are you having a laugh? Well yes, possibly, the release date on this is over a year away – Christmas 2020 – so whether the Microsoft Surface Duo and slightly larger Surface Neo will ever actually appear is up for debate, …

HTC announce U12+ flagship

HTC have just announced their latest flagship device – the U12+. It certainly is a beautiful looking phone too. Whilst many companies are going with a notch design on the front, HTC have decided to go against this and we’ve instead got a gorgeously large 6 inch display …

Goodbye Nokia. Goodbye Lumia. Hello Again Nokia.

Looking from the outside in, the recent history of Nokia has been a bit rocky to say the least. There was the whole “burning platform” thing and then Microsoft grabbed hold of the phone business but failed to capitalise on the brand name. Microsoft/Nokia-made Lumia handsets were pushed …

Microsoft Surface 2 price reduction at Tesco

  One of the great things about supermarkets nowadays is that you might simply pop in with the intention of buying a pint of milk and some scampi fries, but you can easily leave having spent lots of money on electronic bargains.  Case in point, Tesco has reduced the …

Can surface keep up with the changing Microsoft?

Surface… No longer is it the large boardroom/restaurant table. It’s that small tablet sized computer we now hold in our hands. Ever since it launched it has been something you either love or hate and sadly it may not survive too much longer if Microsoft continues the way …

Show me yours and I’ll show you mine. It’s 27 feet wide

Y’know, some people think I’m bonkers, but I just think I’m free. I’m just living my life, there’s nothing crazy about me. Now I’ve given you a personal insight into my life, come and have a look at my 27 foot-wide Windows Tablet. I wake up everyday, it’s …

Microsoft announce the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2

The mobile world has been a busy place today with announcements all over the globe. It started in Korea with LG, moved to London with Tesco, onto China with Oppo and finally on to New York for Microsoft. Microsoft have announced today the latest in its Surface range …

Microsoft Surface Pro is now available in the UK

Remember a few months ago when Microsoft announced the Surface tablets? The Windows RT version and the Windows 8 versions seemed to be the answer to everyone’s problems. The RT came out and people complained about installing non store based apps, Microsofts answer was “buy the Pro version”, …

Microsoft Surface sales “modest” as Steven Sinofsky leaves

You may have seen this guy recently. He’s Steven Sinofsky and showed us Microsoft Surface on stage. Today he quit Microsoft, and you’ll no doubt see headlines suggesting that the company is struggling due to the “modest sales” and his departure. Paul Thurrot has managed to grab the …

Xbox Surface rumoured

We’ve all heard of the Microsoft Surface. Our sister site CoolSmartPhone has covered it a fair bit, including this first impressions post by our very own James Pearce who took the plunge and bought one. A report from The Verge today suggests that a smaller, 7 inch Surface could …

Microsoft Surface with Windows RT – Initial Impressions

A lot has been said about Windows 8 recently. A lot of it has been negative and mainly about the metro new tiled interface. I didn’t buy into any of the negativity and when the Surface with RT tablets came up for pre-order I went ahead and ordered …

Surface Shipping – So we can see them soon.. ish

  We hadn’t mentioned it earlier, but Microsoft UK managed to sell out of the stock it had available for pre-orders of the 32Gb Surface. So out of the three options (32Gb, 32Gb with touch cover, and 64Gb with touch cover), the first two options are off the …

Windows 8 Launch Webcast Live at 1830

So after what seems like an age (well to me anyway) it seems we are here… Come join the webcast now to find what, if anything, new things MS have to offer. View the video by skipping forward to the first blue line on the video below (1.17).

Learn more about Microsoft Surface

Two videos in one day! Boy Microsoft are spoiling us. This one shows the Surface tablet and a few of it’s features. Nothing astounding really but interesting if your like me and you’ve pre-ordered a Surface. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yswUFCD1x0A

The tablet market. It’s all over – [opinion]

Well,that’s that then. October 23rd 2012 – The launch of the iPad Mini. Put the date in your diary. The date that any competition in the tablet market officially disappears. Maybe I’m a little premature in forecasting impending doom for competition within the sector but let’s be honest, with …

The making of Microsoft Surface

Today we have another video featuring the now up for pre-order Microsoft Surface tablet. This video looks at the making of the device and the choice of materials. It also shows them testing the strength of the device by driving it into a hard surface. Me and a …

Microsoft Surface RT: UK, US and European Pricing Revealed

Earlier today Microsoft posted the above info to their online store which appears show the pricing for the Surface RT Tablet with and without the touch cover. Pricing starts at $499 for the entry level 32gb without a touch cover. If you want the touch cover its $599 …

Surface tablets and Windows Phone – Ballmer talks

CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, has been chatting with The Seattle Times and has dished out some expected prices for their very own Surface Tablets. The details are still quite vague, but he did say that the Windows 8 slabs would hopefully reach a “sweet spot” of… Probably …

Opinion piece: Switching from Lumia

First off, the facts. I have a Nokia Lumia 800 as my current phone and I love it, it does everything I need it to do. Not only well but it looks good too, I have converted half my friends and family over to Windows Phone. The first …

Evidence of a Microsoft Phone ‘Surfaces’

With Windows Phone 8 just around the corner and Microsoft’s Surface tablet getting quite a lot of press I thought I’d see if I could sniff out any scent of a Microsoft built Windows Phone or a ‘surface phone’. There’s no reason for them not to and if Microsoft …

So, that Microsoft Surface presentation. Anyone spot the problem?

During the big Surface launch there was a bit of an issue. About 12 seconds into this video everything goes a bit wrong as the all-new Microsoft tablet… locks up… It’s still in beta right now, so it’s not unexpected to see a few foibles here and there, …

Microsoft Surface: Opinion & CSP Staff Sound off!

    As a CoolSmartPhone reader, there’s a very good chance you are already aware that on Monday, Microsoft announced their own Surface branded 10.6” Windows 8 family of tablets PC’s and accessories. Microsoft announced it at a surprising presentation. Not surprising that it was a tablet, more …

Come and feel my Surface – Microsoft tablets are go

Just a few hours ago, as expected, Microsoft unveiled their own brand of tablets called “Surface”. They will be powered by Windows 8 and have 10.6″ (26.9cm) displays with built-in kickstands. They’re also built with magnesium cases, which Microsoft tell us are a first. You’ll be able to …