Tag: lollipop
Google announces distribution numbers for the Android devices that connect to the Play Store on a monthly basis. The Android distribution numbers for the week up to August 1st are now out, and they make for interesting reading if you like that sort of geeky number subject. Android …
Google has released the Android distribution numbers for June 2016, and the breakdown makes for interesting reading. Every month Google releases the stats which indicate the percentages of users running a version of Android and using the Google Play Store. This is useful to developers (and testers) because …
I have a thing for the weird and occasionally wonderful. The Turing Phone sits in the first category, and I am sincerely hoping that it will fall into the second category. Google, and by extension, its Android partner ecosystem weren’t afraid to try new things in the early …
The release of a new version of Android always means a good look into how the versions are distributed. The ‘good’ news first: Android Lollipop is now up to 22.9% – almost a quarter of current handsets. Next up is KitKat (which is specifically Android 4.4) at a …
Argos have dropped the price of the HTC made Nexus 9 16GB to £179.99 online. The Nexus 9 32GB has had its price cut to £299.99 as well. The Nexus 9 is last year’s Nexus tablet which brought the 4:3 aspect ratio to Google’s Nexus range. As of …
It has been just less than a couple of years since Motorola launched the original Moto G, and now the third iteration of Motorola’s successful device is with us. I recently live-blogged the announcement event for the 3rd generation Moto G, the Moto X Play and Moto X …
If you remember back a few months we were very fond of the Yotaphone 2 when we tested it, however there were a few things that really stuck in our throat’s. The news today is that these issues may have been negated. Yota have announced that they will …
It’s another day and the review kit is coming thick and fast. Today we have the ZTE Blade S6 4G, an affordable Android Lollipop phone sitting in the mid level price bracket (currently £189 on Amazon). The phone is available now, and we had a brief hands on …
Do you own a Xperia Z2, Z3 or indeed any of their variants (tablets or compacts)? If so then I have gooood news everybody. Lollipop is starting to make it’s way to your device. Wait though, before you run off to check, we should mention that it’s only …
When Google released Android 5.0 Lollipop in October last year, HTC boldly announced that they would update their flagship device within 90 days (oh how we sniggered). Well it appears we shouldn’t have laughed so hard as HTC was able to keep that plan in tact. According to a …
In December last year Samsung began rolling out their Lollipop update the Galaxy S5, starting in Poland, which those of us that love to hack, soon started shoe horning into our devices. Well if you’re not a hacker the wait appears to be over with the update now officially landing on …
Not long ago today we posted leaked information and a press release about the new LG G Flex2. This was about to be announced in Las Vegas at CES. Now this is very real thanks to the full and official LG announcement Whilst the original G Flex might not …
If you’re a listener to our fantastic podcast (if not you should be) this week you will hear me stating that the Android 5.0 lollipop update had ruined my 2012 Nexus 7. Performance-wise the device became really laggy. Well, it appears that Google has acknowledged the issues as …
First it was Vodafone-supplied G3’s, now it looks like unlocked handsets are also receiving the update to Lollipop. We’ve received a number of emails and tweets to say that handsets have updated, but handsets from other networks don’t appear to have the new version just yet unfortunately. As …
It’s here. The latest generation of the Nexus lineup, the Nexus 6. We have finally managed to get hold of one of these unobtainable devices by buying our own review unit. The device we have here is the 32GB model in blue. There has been much said about …
In an unusually speedy move for Samsung, it has been reported that they’ve started rolling out the Android 5.0 Lollipop update for the G900F variant of the Galaxy S5 in Poland. Although not confirmed by Samsung itself, the rumour has been released by the folks over at Sam-mobile. …
It’s all the fault of Samsung. We had a tablet market and a phone market with a rather clear distinction between the two. Phones were small, tablets were large and in between we had the Dell Streak with its immense 5” screen that everyone looked at and said …
Every once in a while a tablet comes along that you think is going to really up the ante and raise the bar. This is what I was hoping the Nexus 9 was going to be. Now is the time where we start to find out. Those of …
The LG G3 is a cracking device, possibly one of the best phones this year, with great specs and a huge great 2K display. I really like mine and no doubt many readers will do too. It’s about this time of the year that people start looking to …
It’s here my very own brand new Nexus 9 32gb Wifi. I have been looking forward to this day for a wee while as I loved my Nexus 7 (2013) edition and it was in desperate need of a successor. I have been reviewing a lot of tablets …
So, finally the rumours can have been put to bed, the speculation and conjecture can stop for, as we all now know, Android L is actually Android Lollipop. We had the initial developer version back in May with another update being issued late last week. Like many, a few …
There’s a lot of information about Android Lollipop and we’ve also learned that doing a Google image search for “lollipop” reveals some really risque results. We’re trying to stay the right side of the family-friendly line here, so we’ve gone for the “completely weird pictures of lollipops”. Today …
Whenever a new version of Android appears I get the same question. It’s a question that is sometimes a bit tricky to answer too.. Hey, I heard there’s a new version of Android. Do you know when (insert name of phone) will be getting it? Sadly the rollout …
Its big, its very big and now its official. The long rumoured and multi leaked Nexus 6 does exist and it is the 5.9″ monster that has long been touted. It’s the first device to launch with Android 5.0 Lollipop and it packs a pretty hefty punch specs …
After much speculation Google has finally confirmed the name of Android L as Android 5.0 Lollipop. Now live on the Android.com website is a full overview of the new OS. Material Design A bold, colorful, and responsive UI design for consistent, intuitive experiences across all your devices Responsive, natural motion, …