Tag: mobilefun
How do you cover a phone which effectively comes apart? Well, it is possible. The boys from MobileFun.co.uk sent us a few to try and, with the aid of video and some lovely photos, we’re going to have a look at them. First, for those of you who …
We had a play with some of the Huawei smartwatches at Mobile World Congress and they’re looked really rather good. What was of concern though, was the possible price of their new Huawei Watch. MobileFun appear to have slid it into their website for a cool £300 here …
The Xperia Z Ultra is a great bit of kit but with the giant screen I am worried that I will break all that lovely glass in my bag or pocket (yes you can put this beast in a pocket). So the first thing I did after getting …
I’m one of those people that always has to have a case on my phone. I usually go through several for each phone I have, as I like the change it brings, and most cases have a flaw of some kind or other. To go with my new …
I am a very proud owner of a Sony Xperia Z and up until now I have been using a very cheap case that I picked up in a market which has been offering me minimal protection. When Mobilefun offered the chance to review the Muvit Slim and …
There have not bee a huge a mount of decent quality cases out there for the new Blackberry Z10. Howevere Blackberry have come to the rescue as they normally do when they release a new model. Infact the have released several different case all of which can be …
Regular listeners (and now viewers) of our podcast will know that I recently moved from a Galaxy Note 2 back to the iPhone 5. I won’t go into the reasons why here, as it’s worth a good article on it’s own. On the whole, I’m happy with that …
Recently, I’ve found myself needing to replace my ageing bluetooth headphones. The pads are wearing out, and Sony don’t make them any more. Whilst there have been quite a few pairs of headphones that have caught my eye recently, my requirements dictated that I wanted something with Excellent …
While I do love my Nexus 4, I did spend a fair amount of time in my review, and on the podcast, discussing its design flaws. Although the glass back might look and feel great, it certainly doesn’t help with durability or handling. It’s an accident waiting to happen, both …
Car holders for mobile phones aren’t always the best looking or functional accessories. The universal ones are normally big and ugly as they have to accommodate as many phones as possible and they have varying mechanisms for securing the phone. Device specific mounts can be better but they …
Here at Coolsmartphone each of the writers goes through an inordinate amount of handsets and accessories that go with them. We each have our own favourite suppliers that we find to be reliable and prompt. We therefore thought that we would bring a profile of the ones that …
So, whilst I can’t review any Galaxy SIII accessories yet, I can at least review some Galaxy SII accessories instead. This is called the Samsung Galaxy S2 Sound Station Sound Horn, but I’m just going to call it the “Sound Horn” because it’s a lot better for my …
I should start this review by saying I’m not a big fan of Bluetooth speakers. They usually sound awful and it’s usually more practical to carry round something larger rather than sacrifice sound quality. I was pleasently surprised with this one though. The sonic performance of this green little fella is not …