Tag: commercial

OnePlus hire Iron Man

OK, story time. Get comfortable.. Once there was a company called HTC. They started off making phones and strange things called “PDA’s”, but nobody knew who they were because the networks would put their logos on the devices instead. Then, some years later, HTC got big. Really big. …

Vodafone first to carry 5G over a commercial network

After the trials in April, Vodafone have become to the first network to switch on “full 5G” in the UK with live traffic going over a site in Salford. OK, so you can’t use your smartphone on super-fast 5G just yet, but instead this mast is helping provide …

Bloody OnePlus 5 advert. Actually quite good.

Good morning all. I’m a little tired today due to the fact that only around four Swissport staff decided to bother turning up to work at Birmingham Airport in the last month or so. The knock on result is a completely terrible experience and an airport which just …

Wait a minute. Did Nationwide just do an ad that makes you think?

I’ve mentioned this a few times before, and I’m guilty of it myself. Over-using my phone. Head down, plodding along the street, engrossed in some meaningless tweet. Someone could walk past me wearing nothing but a pair of socks and I’d probably not notice. My son told me …

Samsung Galaxy S7 – The adverts

If you saw our live coverage of the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge launch then you’ll probably already be aware of this first advert, which features the floor-vibrating soundtrack we heard during the unveiling. It’s a polished production filled with energy.. https://youtu.be/z2q7y50zxNU No actual S7 devices in …

HTC One A9 adverts start, and they’re quite good actually.

You’ve read the HTC One A9 review we posted last week and now HTC are cranking up the advertising machine for their shiny, skinny handset. Gone are those … ermm… “interesting” Robert Downey Jr adverts and now we’ve got something very different indeed. Here’s the ad, and see …

Dear HTC America. What the heck is this?

Now, I’m not going to attack American TV adverts here. They’re weird, yes, but have you seen some of the daytime TV adverts here in the UK? They’re utterly bonkers. If you’ve been lucky enough to travel to the USA and you’ve seen some of the TV commercials …

OK Google, can you work like the advert please?

You’ve seen those clever “OK Google” adverts on TV. There’s plenty of them and here in Old Blighty but one I spotted last night doesn’t actually work. It’s this one.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbKK-ia0wKY We’ve tested this particular scenario on iOS, Android and even the Chrome browser on a PC. The …

Three’s new advert promotes sharing silly stuff

If you are in the UK you should have seen the now famous pony in the Three advert called “Socks”. This has been visited over 8 million times on YouTube. Then came Mabel, their PAYG Pug dog celebrating the launch of 3-2-1 plan on PAYG over Christmas time. …

New Samsung Galaxy Gear ad seems to ape first iPhone advert

You may not remember the first ever iPhone commercial. After all, it was 6 years ago. It featured scenes of people using various telephones in movies and TV shows. At the end the first ever iPhone is displayed with a catchy strapline. Matthew Panzarino (@panzer), remembers this well …

HTC One – Free fall photo shoot filmed for latest ad

HTC have kicked off a rather massive campaign for their HTC One series. You’ll be seeing TV adverts featuring a guy jumping out of a plane with one and filming everything on a HTC One handset. Actually, it’s a little more than that… the advert features pictures and …

Sony show their interesting new Xperia ads

Sony Mobile, now that they’ve dropped the “Ericsson” part, have launched a new marketing campaign for their new Xperia device. It’s not, as you may expect, a flashy campaign with random shots of people running through the rain and showing how “connected” they are with their family, social …

T-Mobile What Britain Loves – The Full Monty advert

T-Mobile have made another big advert for their services. This time it’s titled “what Britain loves”. I guess what Britain loves is unlimited Internet including tethering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-EvvfMXEwU Via – Tracy and Matt

Samsung continues with anti-Apple adverts

Samsung have continued to pump out their Galaxy SII adverts in the USA and they seem to be following a very similar vein. Earlier we saw how Samsung poked fun at Apple customers queuing and camping outside stores for the “Next big thing” and now Samsung are saying …

New Samsung Galaxy SII commercial pokes fun at the iPhone

Handbags at the ready. This new Galaxy SII advert seems to be taking a direct swipe at the iPhone. It shows a queue of people patiently waiting for the new iPhone 4S and… well, it’s probably best to view it below 🙂 Samsung have actually just lost another …