Tag: adverts

Block ads from sites and apps too. AdLock.

It’s fair to say that we rely on adverts. This site wouldn’t keep running without the revenue we get, but the money has gone down quite drastically since everyone moved to mobile handsets. Despite this, we’re determined to keep the balance between “advert annoyance” and required revenue right. …

When you’re the IT guy in the family..

At the weekend I had “that call”. I’m sure many of you will have had a similar call from a friend or relative. It happens when you somehow become the “computer guy” and you seemingly have the ability to fix anything relating to tech. In this case, it …

Vodafone to stop advertising on hate speech and fake news outlets

We’re currently trying to get a list of the outlets involved in this press announcement. Whether it’ll involve tabloid websites is unclear at the moment, however the network has stated that new global rules are now in operation to stop Vodafone adverts appearing “within outlets focused on creating …

Three to block adverts on your mobile? “No way” says EU

Just to bring you up to speed on this one, Three wanted to block the adverts that keep most websites alive. It’s a tricky subject and one which has various conflicting arguments. Mobile networks, when they first came to be, handled mobile calls. It was the most important …

Three to block advertising as part of one-day trial

Well, we knew it was coming and, on a day between June 13th and 20th, it’ll be happening. UK network Three will be blocking advertising. Three state that this is because they’re effectively having to pay for the ads to be displayed on your mobile device, and that …

Three set to block online advertising

The parent company behind Three run several European networks, and they’ve made a name for themselves by being “different” to other mobile networks. They built their network here in the UK for data primarily, and they priced their plans aggressively. Now though, they’ve tweaked mobile packages and caused …

Adblock Browser makes a return to Android as yet more mobiles block advertisements

With Apple now allowing ad-blocking technology into Safari browsers on iPhone and iPad, Adblock have announced their return to Android, with their ad-free browsing system now allowed back onto Google Play. The system kills revenue, even for websites displaying well-behaved advertisements such as ours, and means that content …

Rumour – Microsoft considering free Windows Phone version

Windows Phone, as an OS, has a cost attached to it. It’s an actual financial cost that needs to be paid by manufacturers who use the mobile OS. Trouble is, Microsoft have just bought the phone-making side of Nokia, and guess who provided the bulk of their Windows …

A quick word from me

So, you may have noticed some additional adverts popping up recently. It seems that our preferences and the ideas of advertisers are at odds currently, and they’ve perhaps taken over your browser somewhat. First up, apologies for this. I’ve had a number of emails from you guys, including …

Android adverts – How do you deal with them?

I’ve been accused of being an Android fan. To be honest, that might be true, but it wasn’t always this way. When I attended the HTC Hero launch I was a firm Windows Mobile fan and actually walked out of the launch before it had finished. Then HTC …

Samsung continues with anti-Apple adverts

Samsung have continued to pump out their Galaxy SII adverts in the USA and they seem to be following a very similar vein. Earlier we saw how Samsung poked fun at Apple customers queuing and camping outside stores for the “Next big thing” and now Samsung are saying …

Nokia Lumia ads upset Ofcom

Remember these adverts? They appeared a few months ago to promote the Nokia Lumia 800 and used “break flashes”. This was picked up in our earlier article and consists of advertisers showing a very brief (half a second) message between the other commercials. Ofcom found Channel Five to …

Nokia Lumia 800 – You WILL know about it

OK. I’m getting pretty amazed with quite how much money is being thrown at the new Nokia Lumia 800. While watching Channel 5 this evening I became increasingly annoyed by some new advert “buffers”. They pop up for a few milliseconds between each ad but all I kept …

Motorola DEFY – Not quite so lifeproof ?

Ahh bugger. Some pretty negative PR for Motorola today. The BBC Watchdog show has received a number of complaints from owners of the Motorola DEFY. They, like us, saw the adverts showing the handset surviving a pretty considerable drop onto a dance floor. However, in some cases the …

T-Mobile are up to their tricks again

Damn them and their successful viral and TV ad campaigns. 😉 This new ad is rather good. I kinda wish I’d parked on a street somewhere last week.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5-i5DqbmdI

Networks Join To Promote Mobile Ads & Payments

Here in the UK mobile companies Everything Everywhere (which run Orange and T-Mobile), Vodafone and Telefonica (who run O2) have joined together to create a new mobile marketing and payment giant which will help speed up the rollout of mobile payments and using new technology such as NFC. …