Tag: loyalty
Afternoon. Hope you’re well. I’ve just been charged £100 for a parking fine. Nice huh? Thanks Euro Car Parks! 🙁 I’m going to eat chocolate to try and feel better. Plus, right now, if you’re a Vodafone or VOXI customer, you can join me. Let’s start with Voda, …
Getting little treats like free cinema tickets, cheap meals or a coffee can be a great way to keep you a happy mobile customer. Anyone remember “Orange Wednesdays” back in the day? That proved popular and other networks, like O2 with their Priority scheme and Three with Wuntu, …
How many of you lovely readers have a favourite manufacturer or always upgrade to the next iteration of a range, be it the latest iPhone or the latest Galaxy? If you do, then you are one of a number of loyal upgraders. In the case of the iPhone …
As promised, here is the follow up to my earlier post, full of intrigue, drama, secretive phone calls, dead drop messages and information…
Loyalty. It would seem that its a fluid state of affairs. Certainly to a certain mobile network. I have two devices, one is my mobile, My HTC desire, and one is a data dongle almost at the end of the contract. On the Desire, I have a ‘Loyalty’ …