Tag: khellan
The Coolsmartphone Podcast. This week Matteo, Majid and Khellan got together to discuss the new iPhones and the positive aspects of Brexit on the world of technology. Yes, we went all political, or maybe it was just the flu tablets speaking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTUMB7DU5H0
Matteo and Khellan tried to keep this episode short and sweet, and pretty much managed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvg5sqqbP9g So, that’s another episode in the can!
We are known for going off track on the Coolsmartphone Podcast. That’s probably one of the main reasons you listen to us. This week Matteo, Khellan and Majid did their best to get back on track. https://youtu.be/lF8Q3XUhwmo Not only did the Tenacious Podcasters discuss the Xiaomi Mi 8 …
“Notch notch!” “Who’s there?” “It is the Coolsmartphone Podcast!” “The Coolsmartphone Podcast who?” “Capitalist Pig Notches!”. In this episode we discuss the Huawei’s P20 range, notches and class analysis for anti-capitalist struggle. https://youtu.be/y6bAFnxqioE This was notch an unpleasant episode to record with Majid and Khellan. If you have …
This week Matteo and Khellan got together to discuss the Smasung Galaxy S9 and S9+, the HTC Desire 12 and a bunch of other nonsense. They went off the track a bit, but gracefully kept things short and sweet. https://youtu.be/a–4xZaeE3A As usual, any feedback is welcome. Just pop …
Another week, another published edited podcast. The Porgs are doing a mighty fine job, even while I vacation in the United States of America (#murica). https://youtu.be/o3EtIAyeu-Y We apologise in advance for the audio quality, at this point we were still learning what a microphone is and left the …
OK, the Jawas are now operating under the fear imposed by the Coolsmartphone Order and throwing edited podcasts at us faster than we can manage to publish them, so we’ll trickle them out one per day for the next few days. Here is episode 218 for your listening …
The Coolsmartphone Podcast is back to publishing again. This episode, number 217 was recorded on September 26th 2017. It is now available to download from your Podcast Client of choice, listen to here on Coolsmartphone.com or watch as an unedited episode on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npz72InkDYY Again, Coolsmartphone.com apologises for …
Here we are publishing episode 216 of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. The Jawas have done a decent job catching up with the backlog, and the episode is now available to download through your podcast client of choice, to listen to here on Coolsmartphone.com and watch unedited from our YouTube …
The Coolsmartphone Podcast Editing Jawas are a strange bunch. They’ve picked up the slack and have now started churning out some of the finest podcast episodes since the days of James Pearce. Really, they are doing a stellar job. Here is the Coolsmartphone Podcast Episode 215. It is …
Podcasting Elves, not really an issue any more. We had to make the difficult decision to give them some odd socks we had lying around and set them free. We are now outsourcing the editing of the Coolsmartphone Podcast to some Jawas who lurk under the bridge near …
The Podcast Editing Elves were too busy for us last week. This week they prioritised us and eventually got episode 210 of the Coolsmartphone Podcast edited. Essentially we were sidekicked to the kerb. They then came back and picked us up. We hope you enjoy episode 210 of …
A lot has happened in the last week. Some things have gone well, like the Honor 9 launch. Others not so well, like Matteo’s Virgin Media setup. Oh, his Blackberry KEYone screen came off too. So this evening he is getting together with Khellan thanks to the magic …
This week the Podcast Editing Elves took longer than usual to do their job, but what they did complete was a work of art with a beautiful audio Easter Egg at the end of the episode. CoolsmartPhone Podcast 209 We’ve Had The Time Of Our Lives is now …
We aren’t doing a last minute post for the Podcast recording tonight. Something closer to the last hour, which is better. The Coolsmartphone Podcast will be live this evening from 9pm BST for the recording of episode 208. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNl39OtcYN8 We will be live here on Coolsmartphone.com and YouTube. …
We’ve reached a fundamental episode number: 205. We will be recording live, here on Coolsmartphone.com and on YouTube, this evening at 20:00 BST. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqs2usdhYAw Interact with the show and after the crime, on Twitter obviously: Matteo (@todoleo) Khellan (@wubanger5) Coolsmartphone Podcast (@CSP_Podcast) We’ll probably go off the rails, …
Coming up in this episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast: Khellan, Majid and Matteo talk about the Samsung Galaxy S8, Google’s commitment to the Nexus/Pixel lines and Matteo’s lasting bitterness. It’s Coolsmartphone Podcast 203 Matteo’s Still Bitter. https://youtu.be/iIDgDAy0OIo Our ternium of podcast hosts also touch on Microsoft’s latest announcements, …
Matteo. Khellan. Majid. Coolsmartphone Podcast 203 Live. That says it all really. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIDgDAy0OIo Apart from the fact that you can interact with the show and the hosts on Twitter. The Podcast @CSP_Podcast Matteo @Todoleo Khellan @Wubanger5 Majid @themajeedo Oh, and we’ll have a slightly edited and audio only version ready for …
We’re back and in a bit more of a timely fashion compared to the last Coolsmartphone Podcast recorded Live on YouTube. Coolsmartphone Podcast 200 In My Right Pocket is now available to download via your client of choice or to listen to here on Coolsmartphone.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWkRPZeDZSI This week …
It’s been a while. It’s been a while since we recorded this episoide of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. We’ve had some issues editing and preparing the episode because Matteo was busy in the US of A, but we are finally publishing the Coolsmartphone Podcast 195 A Late K&M Show. …
Another week and another edited episode of the Coolsmartphone Podcast is released. Coolsmartphone Podcast 194 Nokia in a Box is now available to download or listen to here on Coolsmartphone.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCUcah9HsBY Matteo and Khellan, wearing hats, discussed the Nokia 6, Lenovorola and the Moto G5 rumours, Touchwiz, March …
This week Matteo, Khellan and Majid got together to discuss the week in tech, try and predict what HTC were going to announce and remember the good old days. Coolsmartphone Podcast 193 This Week In Nostalgia is now edited and ready to download through your podcast client of …
In the last episode of 2016, Coolsmartphone Podcast 191, Matteo and Khellan get together to try and look back at what happened in the year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0VlMSJbjHI Much rambling and a few giggles later, we realised this episode is over an hour and a quarter long. 75 minutes. Editing …
It’s Podcast Night! This week it falls the day after Two For Tuesday, but we’re doing things squared: Matteo will be joined by Greg, Khellan and Garry to discuss the week’s news in tech, mobile and gadgetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1ZaCBX3uBo At 8pm UK time you can watch live on the …