Tag: downloads

Google Play downloads hit 28.3bn during lockdown

It’s always hard to get an exact figure for app and game downloads, but 2020 has definitely got researchers looking into those install counts. Millions across the world are spending more time indoors, online and on their smartphone amid the coronavirus lockdown. It’s meant, according to most research …

Downloads to possibly increase in price?

How many people paid attention to the budget last week? I mean fully because if you didn’t you might have missed this little bit of information, I know I did.   One of the leading accountancy firms in London reported that one of the changes in the budget last …

Celebration: Google Play 25p Sale!!!!

Google Play, Google’s app store has hit 25 billion downloads according to the Official Android blog. As a way of celebration Google have decided to have a sale and offer various apps, books and films (as well as music if you are in the US) for only 25p …

The State of Mobile Security

All too often in the news are reports of hackers, websites breaking down, personal details being stolen and posted and various other nefarious activities to do with privacy and security. With the burgeoning smartphone world the opportunity for hacking and data theft is growing exponentially which is why …

CyanogenMod – Now over 500,000 downloads

Let’s be honest, the CyanogenMod ROM is amazingly good. It’ll rejuvenate, update and enhance your Android handset. It’s popular because it’s solid, feature-packed and gives you access into all the latest Android fun. Today the downloads have topped half-a-million, which is a staggering figure. Long may it continue. …