Tag: tivo
As the internet continues to become more prevalent in day-to-day life, so too does the role of tech gadgets. We now use smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices to perform a myriad number of functions that in years past required individual, separate devices. From basic math calculations to …
Virgin Media, the UK cable TV/phone/broadband provider, has just teased us with a new TiVo powered set top box which will be made available to its cable TV customers later this year. Current details of the Virgin Media TiVo V6 are scarce, but we do have a pretty …
Got a Sky+ HD box? A Virgin Media Tivo box? Perhaps you have one of those clever Smart TV’s that lets you play those “backed up movies” on your NAS drive? Said yes to any of that? Good, because we need to talk about Zeebox. The app, if …
Virgin Media have just released an Android app for their popular TIVO boxes. Rather like Sky’s Sky+ app, the application features a TV guide and the ability to set your box to record remotely. I find this one of the most useful features on my phone frankly, so great to …