Tag: fine
As you may have read here on Coolsmartphone recently, Google Android was given a huge fine by the EU after exploiting their control over the Android OS. They were, it seems, reducing the appearance of rivals. However, with another huge fine being pushed through the door, people are …
The BBC is today reporting that the Android OS is to be the subject of yet more fines from the European Commission. It’s another massive fine for the company after Google was hit with a £2.1 billion fine for their shopping comparison process. Today the EU have found Google …
A couple of years ago Ofcom received a large amount of complaints from Vodafone customers. Today, after a full investigation, Ofcom have announced the results and a rather large fine. The regulator found that Vodafone had failed to process top-up credit for pay-as-you-go customers and they’d handled complaints …
You may have heard about TalkTalk this year. They’re a British television, telecommunications, Internet and mobile network service provider. They’ve just been handed a whopping £400,000 fine for what is classed as poor web security. It follows a cyber attack which occurred in October last year. This resulted …
You may have done it yourself. You may see others do it. Perhaps you’ll catch an approaching driver looking down at something and you’ll wonder if they’re really just “tuning the radio” or perhaps browsing the web instead. It’s on the rise and, with the deep cuts in …
It’s a company which is big and, like many others, is “careful” about how taxes are paid. By “careful” we of course mean that they try to avoid paying any if they can. A lot of large companies do this and a lot will offer the same defence …