Tag: fake

The mobile numbers that will never, ever work

Watch a movie and, if a phone number is ever given out, you’ll always hear and see that fake area code… It’s used in nearly every US-made movie because, if you try calling it, nothing happens. However, did you know that here in the UK there’s something very …

Wait, what? 5G caused the coronavirus?

On Monday Ofcom published the results of 5G testing which proved that radiation levels in the UK were at “tiny fractions” of safe limits. However, this testing comes against a backdrop of conspiracy theories, critical stories on click-driven newspaper websites and totally unsubstantiated claims on Facebook. The latter is …

Proper news coverage is dead.

I’ve written previously about the state of our news. It’s become twisted, unsubstantiated, click-bait nonsense which – for the most part – is only ever put online or in print to annoy, generate clicks and increase ad revenues. Thanks to the advice of Presidents, global leaders, Facebook and …

Wake up. We’ve all been played.

Like it hate it, the Daily Mail website is one of the largest in the planet. Take a look at Wikipedia and you suddenly realise just how large it is. It’s massive. Absolutely massive. There’s separate home pages for the UK, USA, India and Australia. It’s therefore geared …

Tablet shipments slide as the smartphone continues to rein supreme

When I first started writing about smartphones, I never dreamt that they would change our lives in quite the manner that they have. Yes, the smartphone. It’s now become the device of choice. Smartwatches aren’t proving to be as popular as thought, PC’s and laptops are appearing in …

Nokia gets caught faking advert for the Lumia 920

So you’ve seen the coverage of the Nokia 920.. you’ve seen the details of the new hardware, the fancy screen, new dual core processor and the improved camera. Unfortunately it seems Nokia’s own advert for a key feature, OIS (Optical Image Stabilisation) was faked, or at least unfairly …

Siri for Android is here… Kinda

There’s a stack of voice-control apps in the Android Market. Stick “Voice Assistant” in and you’ll see Vlingo, Speaktoit, Skyvi, Alice and a whole load more. There are, however, several apps calling themselves “Siri”. Some show themselves as “Fake Siri” but one is actually by a developer calling …