Tag: dynamics
I’ll wheel out all the usual statements here. Boston Dynamics create robots which are frighteningly life-like. We’ve covered their robots many times in the past and, at times, it’s difficult to believe that there’s no CGI magic going on here. But no, this is all proper technology and …
Apologies, I’ve dived yet again into the fantastic robotic world that is Boston Dynamics. Only a couple of days ago we mentioned the Parkour-Powered robot that they’d created. Now though, Spot the robotic dog appears to have learned how to dance. A dancing robotic dog. Yes, they’ve made …
What are these robots going to be used for? Is this the start of the Terminator? Are Boston Dynamics looking for world domination? Does Britain need to replace lots of hard-working EU people soon or something? Whatever the reason, these robots are getting very nimble and human-like in …
So, after having to suffer another mind-numbing, spirit-crushing Wix.com pre-roll advert, I dived into the very latest Boston Dynamics footage. It is, as is becoming the norm now, another scarily good and astonishing bit of natural-looking robotics. This is Atlas. He might look big, but he weighs less …
Alright, this is just plain scary now. We saw the oh-my-god dog robot things just a week ago, but Boston Dynamics have decided to go and attack one as it’s doing the clever door-opening trick. What freaks me out is the natural movements of this thing. The way …
Here’s the latest robotic madness from those hugely talented people at Boston Dynamics. With each passing robot they create, things are becoming more natural-looking and intelligent.. Look at the way that “hand” stays poised in the air so statically. Amazing stuff. How long before these turn into robot …
Robots. Those funny, clunky things that used to only be useful when they were in films. Even in Star Wars, C-3PO, the droid which accompanied the rolling dustbin that was R2-D2, walked a bit funny and couldn’t really flex much. Here, now, in 2017, Boston Dynamics are creating …
Those rather clever robot makers are getting a little too good at their job now. This latest robot is called “Handle” but look a little bit too “alive” for me.. What next? Will it start watching TV and reading books really quick like Johnny Five in Short Circuit? …
Is this thing on? Are we still here? Europe? Are you still there? Are our European servers still on? Are we all still friends? Sorry about all that guys. Everything went a bit mad there for a moment. Our money is worth less now, the markets are in …
I know what you lot are like with YouTube videos. You’re either at work and can’t watch them, or you’re using your phone and don’t have any headphones on or you’re a bit low on data… but please, just watch this. This is both brilliant and scary at …