Tag: 348

Whatever happened to KAZAM?

Last night I was chatting to someone about Gionee. We saw them at Mobile World Congress a few years back. They do some very nice phones, but you won’t often see them on the streets of the UK. They have a decent presence in places like India, Thailand, …

KAZAM Tornado 348 Review

Those models you see prancing up and down the catwalk are sometimes pretty thin. Here, KAZAM have decided to do the same with their latest mobile offering – the Tornado 348. It’s a handset which is just 5.15mm thick, which makes it the thinnest smartphone around. Wait though, …

KAZAM Tornado 348 unboxing and photo special

You get the feeling that KAZAM missed a trick with the naming of this particular handset. Perhaps they should’ve gone for the “KAZAM Wafer” or the “KAZAM Slim”. Something to signify just how thin this octa-core handset is. No matter, it arrived last night and I, with the …