Tag: use

When your allowance doesn’t quite keep up

My Vodafone SIM-only plan has been absolutely perfect for my needs over the last few years. I don’t make many calls or send SMS texts, so when I originally took the deal, 500 minutes of calls was fine. I was never going to make 8 hours of calls …

Three customers now pulling an average of 10GB per month

Admit it, looking at a mobile phone package which delivers 2GB per month is going to give you cold sweats. You know, part-way through the month, that you’re going to be worry about visiting sites or checking anything on the internet because your data is bound to run …

New study reveals big increase in phone usage

It goes without saying that, right now, you’re using your phone. After all, you’re reading this. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t seem that long ago that people used laptops and – yes – desktop PCs. Web designers only spent a small amount of time actually creating a “mobile …

Vodafone – Watch out when you Roam Further

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be in the USA. As it was a quick visit, I’d not really organised any local SIM and took my normal Vodafone handset. When the plane touched down I received the usual text message from Vodafone advising on …

Ready for 5G? You’re going to need a bigger package.

Consuming lots of data on 4G? Have you got a large package to cope with the action? Well, according to this giffgaff research, you’re going to need a hefty tariff in a few years time. Customers on the network used an average of 1.72GB of data monthly in …

Driving and using the phone? Fines and points to double

You may have done it yourself. You may see others do it. Perhaps you’ll catch an approaching driver looking down at something and you’ll wonder if they’re really just “tuning the radio” or perhaps browsing the web instead. It’s on the rise and, with the deep cuts in …

Silver surfers are taking a different kind of tablet

Telecoms regulator Ofcom have released their yearly report into the way we use our mobiles and media. In the last year, there’s been a 42% increase in older people using mobile devices. Some 17% of these people (aged 65-and-over) have used a tablet, which compares to just 5% …