Tag: translate
Yes, you can use the Google Translate app or, if you’re heading around Europe and you have yourself £259, you can get the Pocketalk S. It’s got a built-in SIM, a text-to-translate camera, a bigger touch screen, noise-cancelling microphones and two high-quality speakers plus a useful conversion feature. …
We only mentioned this yesterday, but we’ve since had another video showing this clever gadget in action. Just to remind you, it’s a multi-directional microphone that sticks into the bottom of your phone and can do a near-live translation of your conversation. It can also document meetings and …
Created by the Timekettle team, this is a great way to break down language barriers. It’s an affordable, super-portable translator which lets you do real time translation with a multi-directional microphone. This means you can speak to someone else in your language, with the gadget translating, and they …
The whole premise of this product, which is £199 from Selfridges, is the fact that you can do quick one-way translations without the need for an internet connection. It’s already proved successful in Japan and the US, with 10,000 orders received in the first three days. It’s a …
The Introduction When Apple made their own AirPod wireless headphones a lot of tech fans were waiting for Google to show off their own version. Using their own Pixel brand, Google announced the Pixel Buds at last year’s Google I/O event and the headline feature was the instant …
Honestly. I’m no good at the Search Engine Optimisation business. I’m writing this during the last few days of August. It’s when most of you guys are returning from holiday but here, here I am writing an article on how to prepare for a holiday. That’s a bit …
The updated version of Google Translate will now let you hold your Android phone in front of signs for instant translation into a vast array of languages. The update also includes instant translation as you type, but being able to snap signs and then brush over the text …
Whilst looking at Push To Talk apps I stumbled across this real-time translation software. It’s fairly easy to setup and is completely free from the Android Market. There’s two steps really. First, choose a source and “destination” language, then speak the phrase you’d like to say. It’ll translate …