Tag: M1
Wow. That’s a headline isn’t it. As I sit back and re-read it, it almost hurts my head. Anyhow, rumour has it (#Adele) that HTC will be making a couple of Nexus handsets which are currently known as the M1 and S1. They’ll run Google N. The rumour …
Here at Coolsmartphone we love our mobile devices, and when travelling want to keep using them. What’s the point of having a wonderfully powerful smartphone if you can’t use it to post pictures of your meals from distant lands? Apart for social media bragging while travelling, smartphones can …
So this has surprised me in a way. When it first arrived the box itself didn’t exactly scream “premium”. I mean, there’s nothing really wrong with the box per se, but I’ve got used to some of the recent review phones turning up in carefully sculpted containers that …