Tag: kid
Available early in 2021, you can register your interest in this one here. This is a new smart kids watch from Vodafone, and they’ve been working with Disney to create a connected watch with familiar characters and safety features. Designed by Vodafone, the watch joins the expanding “Connected” …
When it comes to smartphones, some features fit everyone. What’s the point of a phone that can’t call, text, or snap a photo? But when it features like apps, kids and adults have different needs. These days, some kids in the single digits are getting smartphones. Getting them …
The internet can be a dark place. As we have now transitioned into our digital world, we’ve also had to wrestle with its complexities. The number of children using the internet grows each day, and the younger children are, the more likely they are to use the internet. …
A lot has been said in recent days about children and mobile phone use. A number of recommendations have come out, ranging from banning mobile phone use in schools, limiting screen time and banning phones at the table. In all honesty, it can be tricky. Parents secretly like …