Tag: frequency
Last night I got about 50MMbps via my Vodafone 4G data and I thought, to be honest, that’s really not bad. Considering that the fastest normal ADSL (fixed line) speeds round here are around 30Mbps. 5G though, that’s the next big thing, and Nokia have pushed the all-new …
Update – We’ve recently posted an additional update to this story here. Many years ago, mobile networks gave the location of their masts to Ofcom. That was back in 2011 though, and after a bit they ditched it. Mobile companies didn’t have to map the location of masts, …
There’s long been discussion about the share each network has of the mobile spectrum. Three UK, among others, have also started a campaign to stop one or two networks from being able to grab the larger slices. Today Ofcom have revealed that they will indeed put a cap …
You young kids might call it “bantz” now, but I was having a “discussion” on Twitter with a few people about the in-building penetration provided by networks operating on 900MHz. The likes of O2 and Vodafone both seem to get through the walls of my home but, using …
The internet can be a scary place at times. So scary, in fact, that we could do with some hastily cobbled together requirement for random cookie warnings on every site and a ham-fisted ISP-level website blocking system. Nah, that’d never work. When all else fails, we can at …
Orange and T-Mobile, in the shape of “EE”, grabbed headlines earlier this week by rolling out UK’s first 4G service. That left Vodafone and O2 green with envy, waiting for a slice of the 4G pie through the auctions. O2 are now pushing hard to get their 4G …