Tag: England
Our government haven’t been performing too brilliantly of late. An exams disaster, a police-enforced border around Kent, MP’s telling us to stop moaning about a lack of COVID-19 tests and a willingness to break the law whilst telling the public not to. It’s not cricket, is it? Our …
With schools closed down and kids spending more time in the house, parents will all have the same concerns. First, we’ve already hit the point where kids simply can’t go to each other’s homes. We’re also at the point where kids are sat all day playing on a …
Things are moving uncomfortably quickly here in Britain. It doesn’t matter whether you voted to Leave or to Remain, this mess is not what anybody was promised or expected. The situation, as I type, is that the “Theresa May Deal” is to come back, for a third time, …
Mobile phones, as I’m sure you all know, can be very distracting. Whether you’re watching TV, sat at the bus stop, waiting for a sandwich, ordering coffee or at the park, a quick glance at the screen seems difficult to resist. So what stops us fiddling with our …
The World Cup is great, 4 weeks of footy heaven, beer snacks and England related stress injuries. Over recent years the BBC have used the World Cup to showcase it’s latest technologies, from HD, to multiple audio streams and in this case VR presentation of matches…….yes I’ve just …
Got a Kodi box? Just using it to stream personal content like recorded videos to your TV yeah? No, of course you’re not. Kodi boxes, as we mentioned previously, have now become more and more popular for another reason. With very little knowledge, anyone can add plugins to …
OK. It’s turned into a dream for the PR company this one. Everybody seems to be talking about it, even here in the UK where you can’t actually download the thing just yet. Pokémon has returned and the ’90s have come back too (Robot Wars was on TV …
Unless you live under a rock, you may have noticed that there is a little football tournament happening in France. Last week England were playing Wales during traditional working hours with a kick-off of 2pm. In previous years, businesses would get a high amount of “sickness” during tournaments, …
A minor bug-bear for us Brits can be the fact that we have to force technology to speak to us in proper English. If you use Word, you’ll need to fiddle around to switch it to “English UK” and we have to put up with devices called “Honor” …