Tag: panic

Stop panic buying. Just stop.

I had to put my headphones on last night when hitting the local supermarket. There’s a definite air of hysteria and madness which goes against all those “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters that people tended to connect to the British outlook. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy which …

Yowser. We created a bit of rage!

Following our look at the various coronavirus conspiracy theories, we’ve received a number of quite angry emails. Angry emails aren’t new to us, believe me. We’ve been online since 2002 and, in that time, we’ve had swearing, takedown notices and all manner of threats and criticism. The internet …

Black Friday – This is just ridiculous

We’ll be running quite a few deals today, but you must admit, with money tight, shops limiting deals and websites clearly unable to cope with the load, it’s turning nasty. Frustrations are already running high. On Good Morning Britain a simple live shot of Asda opening the doors …

Android users – Start panicking now

Actually you probably shouldn’t panic quite yet. Things are being blown out of proportion as usual. Earlier on today details of a Android security hole appeared online, you know the normal stuff. The bug could be exploited to let an attacker do what they want to a phone …