Tag: version
Back in the days before audio streaming services really became “a thing”, you’d find people wanting to take their MP3s with them instead. Phones used to be crammed full of MP3s, so you’d have your music locally, not in some fancy “cloud”. When a lot of music videos …
As you can see from the data above, Android 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich is gaining pace in its install base according to Google’s report of how the different Android versions are divided. It is now on a total of 15.9% of devices, making it the 2nd most installed …
Check into the Google Play store this morning and you’ll find a whole heap of updates from Google. Apps inluding Chrome, Google Play Books, Google+, Google Earth have been updated and Google Maps now has an “Offline Mode”. What is this? Well, remember years ago when we used …
This is a question that I find is being asked all the time by Android users. I’m in a position working in the telecoms industry where I get asked this about 20 times a day. It’s something that I have become fairly blase about. The honest truth is …