Tag: philips
I do have to kick myself at times. Sitting in this hospital, I’ve got a gloriously fast 5G connection on Vodafone and unlimited data to enjoy. The speeds massively outclass the WiFi in here and it’s all just so straightforward and worry-free. Back in the late ’90s, phones …
I’m sitting in the sunshine and it’s about 30 degrees Celsius right now. To be honest I’m going a bit delirious and moving the “Coolsmartphone office” to a bench outside was perhaps not my best idea. Anyway, with summer here I picked out one message from my 5.4 …
As regular readers will probably be aware I am an Android fan. I don’t particularly dislike Apple but I have no love for them either. For me iOS is a bland piece of software that is only bought to life by the plethora of apps that is available …