Tag: colours
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3, we’ve reviewed it here and there’s still plenty of deals kicking around where you can bag yourself a free tablet or a Galaxy Gear smartwatch when you buy one. Now Samsung have added a couple of new colours – Rose Gold White and …
Take the Xperia S we reviewed and splash some new colours on. Now ramp up the dual-core 1.5GHz CPU to a 1.7GHz and you get this, the Sony Xperia SL. It’s rumoured to be running Android Ice Cream Sandwich and these leaked shots, plus more at eprice.com.tw show …
Looks like a new Nokia Lumia has leaked before it’s official announcement tomorrow here in Barcelona. The new low end Nokia device is expected to run Tango OS which will also be talked more about tomorrow by Microsoft. Red, Silver, Black and Blue… sorry.. Cyan are the ones …