Pacman on Google Maps

Pacman on Google Maps

What is this? I recently read that our Ian posted an article about a Google Maps update now including the ability to share your location, so of course I went to try it. It’s something I’ve used in WhatsApp before, and in Google Latitude back when that was a thing.

Lo and behold, I go into the main menu tray and the option is there. Its pretty sweet the way they’ve set it up, so I don’t have to permanently share my location. Sometimes I do want you to know where I am, but sometimes, definitely not.

So I go back to the main screen, and see an extra button. It’s a red button. It’s a red Pacman button. Of course I pressed it. Who wouldn’t?

Right there, in the middle of doing something vaguely constructive like playing with a new feature for no reason, I forgot what I was doing, and started playing. And then played again. And again.

How much fun were these simple games? So it was a couple of minutes before I asked myself why this happened. Apparently, it’s an April Fools Day addition, and one Google did before back in 2015. I am not disappointed that this came back.

There should always be some Pacman where you least expect it.