Tag: comet
Something is happening, and it’s happening quickly. It hit me this afternoon when I was buying apples in Morrisons. The supermarket chain is massive. They bought Safeway (anyone remember them? I used to work there y’know) but in the run-up to Christmas their like-for-like sales dipped 2.5%. “Hey …
Oh dear. Sure, there’s those of you who believe that Apple products are a little expensive, but an iPod Touch for £4444.44?? That’s going a little too far. We spotted a saving of £4315 on the iPod Nano whilst the iPod Touch and other Apple items had thousands …
Comet. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll know that they’ve gone into administration. It’s now looking increasingly likely that we’ll lose that lovely big electronics shop and we’ll no longer have anywhere to measure up TV’s, fiddle with laptops or buy completely unnecessary extended warranties. But …