Tag: 200
We’re back and in a bit more of a timely fashion compared to the last Coolsmartphone Podcast recorded Live on YouTube. Coolsmartphone Podcast 200 In My Right Pocket is now available to download via your client of choice or to listen to here on Coolsmartphone.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWkRPZeDZSI This week …
The big two-oh-oh crept up on us. Uh oh! It essentially hit us in the neck with a hacky sack. So this evening we’ll be rocking and rolling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWkRPZeDZSI Join Matteo, Khellan and Garry for episode 200 of the Coolsmartphone Podcast. Live here on Coolsmartphone.com and YouTube. Our …
The internet, in our modern world, has become essential. It’s no longer a “nice to have” thing so that you can look things up. Now we’re watching live IPTV, downloading movies, conducting video calls and working from home. And, also, if you are a student you have a …
I tell you what you need. You need a desk phone that plugs into your smartphone somehow. Perhaps one that let’s you use those traditional numeric keys to make a call and a normal corded headset too. Sounds a bit bizarre doesn’t it? Well, look at it this …