Play Snake on your smartphone right now.

Sure, you could get the new / old Nokia 3310 to play Snake on, but it’s not the traditional version. It is, as you may have seen in my hands-on video the other day, a modem jazzed up version.

If you want the traditional version, try getting this 97 retro phone classic on Android. Using on-screen buttons, it’ll take you back 20 years (yes, I did say 20 years) to 1997. I’ve just given it a try and it seems a lot faster than I remember, so perhaps I need to dig out an older smartphone with a slower CPU.

Play Snake on your smartphone right now.

You can choose different Nokia keypads and take a trip down memory lane. Perhaps remember a time before social media, when we all thought that file transfer over infrared was space-age. 🙂

There’s a similar game available for the iPhone too.