Google Cardboard. Get yourself one!

Fancy getting yourself some of those low-tech but still pretty cool virtual reality specs from Google? How does £2.34 sound? Google Cardboard is basically a headset containing your phone that you strap onto your bonce. Some assembly is required here, but once you’re done you can strut around the place looking like a really cool and futuristic guy.

Google Cardboard. Get yourself one!

Inside the box, which is available from (expect to pay not-that-much but wait quite a while for it to turn up), you’ll find a couple of lenses, some velcro, some magnets and two rubber bands. Yeah.

Once you’ve put it together, slotted your phone in and strapped it to your moosh, head to sites like Cardboard Apps or Chrome Experiments. That second one you can try right now actually – just load it up in your chrome browser on your computer and squash your face right next to the screen. 🙂