Could Google and Microsoft be looking into UK broadband?

Could Google and Microsoft be looking into UK broadband?

Google and Microsoft have been rumoured to have been showing “extreme interest” into providing mobile broadband/wifi here in the UK.

The UK’s airwaves currently have “White space.” White space is segments of the current spectrum between those bands being used for TV, Radio and the mobile phones. Currently these areas of white space are only used as separators to reduce interference.

If these rumours turn out to be true, Google and Microsoft (who have actually run trials in the past) could help to provide decent speeds for broadband to those who live in rural areas. Albeit, they could just include services such as VOIP in their mobile operating systems but until we have more, these are just guesses.

When we know more we’ll be sure to let you know. Express your opinions and tell us if you think it’ll be a good idea.

Source – The Verge

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  1. Moo Moo Head
    • Jamie Hoyle
  2. Anon