Google Warned Samsung The Galaxy Tab Was Too Similar To The iPad

Google Warned Samsung The Galaxy Tab Was Too Similar To The iPad

Yesterday in the Apple vs Samsung case, Apple introduced 2 documents as evidence that contained quotes from Google showing their concern regarding the similarities between Samsungs Galaxy Tab range and the iPad.

Samsung senior designer Hyun Kim sent an email on February 16th 2010 in reference to a meeting with Google in which he said:

“Since it is too similar to Apple, make it noticeably different, starting with the front side, Please give a lot of thought, particularly to landscape Orientation.”

Samsung then said in a further email, dated February 22nd 2010, that summarises another meeting with Google:

“Google is demanding distinguishable design vis-à-vis the iPad for the P3 (the original 10-inch Galaxy Tab),”

The information came to light when Apple were cross-examining Samsung witness Jin Soo Kim, one of the Galaxy Tab designers. He had testified already that Samsung had been working on Tablets before Apple launched the iPad.

Source – AllThingsD