Juicy accessories and deals from BoxWave.com

Juicy accessories and deals from BoxWave.com We’ve teamed up with BoxWave.com to bring you some incredible deals on things like the BoxWave FlexiSkin for the SMT 5600 / SPV C500 (currently $23.95 / £12.57), the VersaCharger (at $25.95 / £13.62) or the multi-award winning MiniSync cable that we reviewed for $14.95 / £7.98.

How about these funky miniBud headphones (pictured) for $22.95 / £12.05 ? They’re available in 3.5mm and 2.5mm plugs and a range of colours, so you can pretend you’ve got yourself an iPod 🙂 These are great because they “roll in” like a seat-belt once you’ve finished with them, so there’s never any knots or untidy cable!

Browsing is easy because you can simply click here and choose your device. All accessories from then on will be just for your device.

Plus, with the US dollar currently worth about 50p, you can pretty much half every price you see on BoxWave.com 🙂 Don’t forget also that there’s tonnes of web specials on right now.

Yes yes, it may be another “advert” for you guys, but with the oh-so-empty “donations box” I have to stop the missus moaning somehow.. 🙂

Link – BoxWave.com