For some, it’s never inappropriate to use a phone

For some, its never inappropriate to use a phone

We’ve had an email from Co-operative Funeralcare. I couldn’t quite figure out how their services related to the smartphone world, but it turns out that they did have something quite interesting for us.

They’ve conducted research which actually shows that up to one in six people have either received or – perhaps worse – made a call during a funeral. Those people have also admitted to texting or updating social media sites too, which is a tad strange. What exactly are people telling their friends on Facebook?

“At Bobs funeral. Very sad. Drinks at the Horse and Hound after if you’re interested, all welcome.”

Luckily most people find this behaviour inappropriate, and the research reveals that funerals topped the list of the most unacceptable places or activities to use a phone, beating driving, weddings and during a film.

This reminds me of a christening I went to recently. I was surprised to see a number of people used their phone. The guy in front of me, who was dressed in a delightful Kappa tracksuit, answered a call and told the caller that he’d..

“Be at the pub after this tool has waffled on a bit more”

Although I voiced my disapproval with a very British “tut”, he at least had enough respect not to leave mid-way through the ceremony. That respect, sadly, lasted for another four minutes as he and his friends left the church.

Anyhow, the Co-operative Funeralcare people have sent us a lovely infographic to explain their findings..

For some, its never inappropriate to use a phone

Mobile Phone Etiquette at Funerals [Infographic] by the team at Co-operative Funeralcare