Twitter app Rowi for Windows Phone gets updated

Rowi in my opinion is one of the best Twitter apps for Windows Phone. This morning their update which added Windows Phone 8 compatibility has finally been approved and it has appeared on the Store.

Rowi allows you to do a lot with Twitter, a whole lot more than the official Twitter app. For me it’s always a toss up between Rowi and Twabbit, with this update Rowi is a whole lot smoother and adds some nice WP8 features like the new wide tile.

Rowi is an easy to use Twitter app for Windows Phone with a clean and simple interface.
Whether you are a serious Twitter user or a beginner, this is the app for you! Instead of focusing on a big list of features, we built Rowi with the overall experience in mind. You’ll find Rowi has a simple, streamlined, easy to use Metro interface that feels like it’s part of Windows Phone. It performs better than any other Twitter app today.

Windows Phone Store Link – Rowi [Lite] – Rowi