Share your images on the big screen

Sony Ericsson have made an app and a web service that makes displaying pictures on a big screen really easy. There are of course a few things you need to do to get it to work. First of all you need to install THIS app from the Android Marketplace. Then on your large screen you need some sort of web browser and you browse to Then you run the app on your phone or tablet and scan the QR code that has appeared in the browser and then you choose which image folder you want to display and bham they pop up on the screen. It will also display videos if you are connected to wifi.

It really works well without having to mess about with dnla, bluetooth or wires. Again it really works, you can display your images on a laptop or a web connected tv, anything with a web browser really. The app is free so go ahead and give it a go.


Share your images on the big screen

Share your images on the big screenShare your images on the big screenShare your images on the big screenShare your images on the big screen

There is also a nice video showing you how it all works.

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Sources – Moominking – Sony Ericsson



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  1. Anonymous
  2. Anonymous