“Wait for the officially delivered WP7 updates” – Microsoft

With an unofficial method of updating now on the t’interweb Microsoft have added their thoughts to the current Windows Phone 7 update progress. Microsoft’s General Manager of Customer Experience Engineering, Eric Hautala, has stated that..

We’re working hard to get this job done as quickly as possible. But I’ve noticed that some of you are turning to homebrew solutions to update your phone immediately. As an engineer and a gadget lover, I totally understand the impulse to tinker. You want the latest technology and you’re tired of waiting. Believe me, I get it.

But my strong advice is: wait. If you attempt one of these workarounds, we can’t say for sure what might happen to your phone because we haven’t fully tested these homebrew techniques. You might not be getting the important device-specific software we would typically deliver in the official update. Or your phone might get misconfigured and not receive future updates.

It’s even possible your phone might stop working properly. Bottom line: unsupported workarounds put you in uncharted territory that may void your phone warranty. We’ve made a lot of progress in recent weeks, so I urge you to please be patient for just a bit longer and wait for your official update notification to arrive.

When writing news items about the Windows Phone 7 updates I find that there’s a fine line to tread. Is the Windows Phone 7 update a “disaster” as some have wanted to believe? Certainly not. Are things going as well as they should be ? No. Microsoft have to climb out of the perception-pit they’ve had from customers using Windows Mobile 6.5. Updates for that OS were rare and tricky to roll out. Updates roll more regularly now in comparison, but there’s still many who see Windows Phone 7 as lagging behind, adding a feature now that has been available in many other phones for years.

Links – Earlier storyWindowsTeamBlog.com