Tired of your texting experience? Try A.SMS

Tired of your texting experience? Try A.SMS Bored of the existing texting system on your Windows Mobile ? Try A.SMS instead. It’s ideal for the regular texter and includes new functions and displays. This product page shows the difference between the existing Windows Mobile messaging system and the A.SMS version.

Messages are opened in the same screen with preview font sizes being adjustable and the list of messages being easy to see and read. You can also set a delivery time for your text, so the “Just finished the project” message can be sent to your boss while you’re at the pub hours later. It’s also possible to insert signatures, encrypt your message and alter a range of messages. Download the trial version and test it out for 5 days or buy it for around €19.99 ($27.32 / £17.88).

Link – A.SMS