Flick Software demo multi-touch wizardry

Flick Software demo multi touch wizardry A few weeks back we posted about iSwish and iZoom. The video of it in action had an interesting twist at the end – multi-touch functionality. How was this possible? Well, the guys at Flick Software aren’t really saying, however they have emailed in to say …

“We will have an update for you later this week on iSwish, but I thought I would point you all to the new video one of our developers posted last night showcasing the iZoom in full multi-touch with an interesting twist at the end. There was a measure of disbelief in its authenticity, so we hope this clears that up.”

The new video seems to show multi-touch functions on a huge variety of Windows Mobile handsets – both young and old. It certainly looks impressive (and we love the picture they’re resizing by the way), and we’ll be eagerly following this one for you as the project develops. The email seems to suggest that a download of this panning, zooming and rotation software will be available shortly.

Links – iSwishNew YouTube video