The Palm Foleo is dead, long live the Palm Foleo

The Palm Foleo is dead, long live the Palm Foleo Palm have cancelled their Foleo product “in its current configuration”. The Foleo mobile companion had a full-size keyboard and a large screen to edit documents with changes being sync’d to your smartphone and vice versa.

Announced just a few months back this is a swift change of mind and will, according to Palm, “require us to take a limited charge of less than $10 million dollars to our earnings”.

According to Ed Colligan, CEO of Palm, “(We will) focus all of our energies on delivering our next generation platform and the first smartphones that will bring this platform to market. We will, of course, continue to develop products in partnership with Microsoft on the Windows Mobile platform, but from our internal platform development perspective, we will focus on only one.”

It looks like you’ll have to wait for Foleo II on the “all new” platform.

Link – Palm Foleo Message