Tag: iphone apps
A few weeks ago, I wrote a review of the latest update to one of Readdle‘s top apps: Scanner Pro 6 for iOS. This is a free update to an already amazing app. Version 6 brings amazing features like auto-scanning when the camera detects documents, and the all-new radar, …
This week, Readdle launched the sixth version of their popular scanning app for iPhone, Scanner Pro. It’s a free update to all of its 7 million users, and is on sale right now for 50%-off at only $2.99. This is my go-to app for scanning documents, and v. …
I’ve always been a big fan of Readdle’s apps, and they’ve been a supporter of iOS since the beginning days. Spark is their latest project, and one that aims to once and for all make email enjoyable. Maintaining your email is a hassle. There’s no doubt about …
Shifts is a brand new app by the folks at Built by Snowman, the makers behind Checkmark, Super Squares, and Circles. Their latest app is Shifts, a iOS calendar app for those who work shifts. Rather than focusing on a calendar that incorporates todos, emails, GTD, or whatever …