Tag: doctor
NHS staff are having to suffer quite a bit at the moment. There’s concern over a lack of protective equipment, COVID-19 testing, and their own already-long hours and stress. This has led Vodafone to launch an unlimited data initiative for NHS staff. Their existing 30 day unlimited data …
Our local health centre is seriously under strain. A number of local GP surgeries have closed as doctors have retired and, with more houses being built an no additional infrastructure being put in, there’s a few battered portacabins and an engaged tone when you call up. In 2017, …
In a way I’m not overly happy that a service like this exists, or has to exist. The NHS here in the UK is crumbling. There’s many reasons for it, and we could argue about them all day, but fact is – it’s broken. We’re now in a …
Last year my son ended up in hospital with meningococcal septicaemia. It was a scary time, and I’ll admit that I completely lost my rag with the local GP surgery. Our town had seen the closure of a local surgery, and we’d been shipped across to another surgery …