UPDATE – Meanwhile, out in Iraq…

UPDATE   Meanwhile, out in Iraq... I’ve just spotted this news story about British troops from the Royal Dragoon Guards in Iraq. To keep moral high they produced a spoof version of the video for Amarillo, recently re-released by Peter Kay and Tony Christie. They called it, “Is this the way to Armadillo”.

The soldiers recorded it at their base in Al Faw, then emailed the resulting 52Mb movie file back to army friends in London. Due to its size and popularity it crashed the Ministry of Defences’ mail servers, however the MoD saw the funny side, saying…

“The video is brilliant. Soldiers maintaining their morale on operations is always important. The fact that it proved so popular in the office and caused the system to crash is unfortunate but this did not affect operations and the system is up and running again.”

This is a fantastic video and it makes me proud to be British! 🙂 I’ve squashed it down to a more manageable 5Mb after it appeared in my inbox. You can download it, put it on your phone and show your mates as you chat about this in the pub tonight!

Just log in, then click here to get the 5Mb video!

UPDATE!!! – BLIMEY! I posted the original 52Mb hi-quality file on my personal site here. The larger file burned up 200Gig of bandwidth in 1 DAY!. If that continued, I’d be pulling 6 terrabytes a month! I’ve had to remove it because of this. Many thanks to Internet Central (click here for 2Mb broadband for ÂŁ19.99 with no silly caps) for bearing with me!

The larger hi-quality video can now be seen here. You can still get the slightly smaller one here after logging in (it’s free to register!)