How apps are bringing dating into the 21st Century

Source: Pexels

When it comes to matters of love, people didn’t use to think of technology as the first place to turn to for help; but a number of apps have not only appeared in recent years to do just that, they have prospered. Gone are the days when people used to think that using an app to find that perfect partner was “uncool”. Now, and especially in the middle of a global pandemic, it’s a normal thing to do.

As the lines between real life and technology continually blur, here are just a few examples of how apps can help with your love life, from meeting your partner to chatting with them and even helping you as you plan your date night activity.

Find a date (safely) via a dating app

The first, and probably most common example is dating apps. In the age of dating apps, many of us know the drill: swipe right if you like the look of someone, swipe left if you, er… don’t. These apps allow you to meet your potential future significant other by picking from people in your chosen radius and begin exchanging messages if you get a match.

Simple so far. However, over the years, more and more features have appeared in the dating app world. In 2016, the Badoo app for Android introduced the ‘Selfie Request’ feature that allows female users to ask for a selfie from their male matches so that they know exactly who they’re talking to. More recently, the option for would-be couples to chat via video within the app was introduced, allowing potential couples to virtually visit each other’s homes far sooner than they would normally get the chance to.

Remote data via video chat or video conferencing

Video dates also allow users to date during social isolation periods, something that many people would be forgiven for thinking was impossible. Daters can create a mood and set the scene, much like they would in choosing a table at a restaurant. Set up some mood lighting, choose the nicest-looking part of their house, order some food from their favourite restaurant and have a far more authentic experience than simply firing off a “You up?” message at 2am. Plus, video dating is a great way for couples to decide if they like each other without all of the distractions and pressure of dating in real life.

Source: Pixabay

Not sure what to do for a date? There’s an app for that

As for what to do on a date, assuming you actually do like each other, there are thousands of apps out there, ranging from restaurant finders to drinking games to guides to your city. As mentioned above, you can order in while you’re confined to the home but once you’re out again, there’s a variety of good choice out there. Whether you like art shows, outdoor music or evening yoga classes, Eventbrite will help you find all of the free and paid-for events going on in your city. Apps like this help answer the age-old question of how to have a fun and interesting first date.

Assuming the activity you picked suitably broke the ice, you’ll probably want to head somewhere to chat and get to know each other more. You can find the perfect bar to sip cocktails at with the Tipple.m app, which allows you to search your local area by price range, bar type and opening hours. If it’s late and all the bars are closed, or if you’re feeling particularly brave, you can use a bartender app to learn the best cocktail recipes beforehand and impress your date with your mixing skills at home.

So rest assured – that smartphone you love for so many other reasons is also there to support you through all your dating needs, too, and letting you date in the most modern way possible.