With the UK just moments away from crazed panic-buying and a full lock-down thanks to endless click-bait hype-tastic news stories, there’s no shortage of “opportunities” for those wanting to make a swift profit from it.
This week we’ve had online stores doing Flash Deals on face masks (which are now increasing in cost and aren’t really much good at all) and now we’ve got this Indiegogo project – the “Hextio Black: Your Personal, Portable Virus Killer”.
OK, I shouldn’t say that they’re trying to “make a quick buck”. It’s demand and supply at the end of the day (that was the only thing I learned from A-level Economics), but .. anyway. We’ve been sent a video from Richard Greenwood, who says, “Hey guys” and stands in front of a green screen but doesn’t seem to use it. He’s showing us the new Hextio Black and what it can do…
If you want to fund it, head to the Indiegogo page. It’ll apparently kill “any type of virus”.
It’s said to break the DNA of the viruses and you can even slap it between your legs in the car or dangled around your neck on the bus..
The Hextio Black comes from Radic8, owners of the original Viruskiller tech. It is, according to the makers, being installed in hospitals in Wuhan and other high-risk areas in China.
As for those who don’t have one of these, the elderly and those with an underlying medical problem, you do need to be wary. For the rest of us, just be clean – wash your hands and if you get a cough, cold or any other symptoms – go home!