Going away for Christmas? Pawbo – The pet camera and more

The people at Pawbo have sent us a mail about their interactive camera technology. It’s to keep an eye on your cat or dog while you’re not home, and via your smartphone you can see how they’re doing.

The pet camera is accessed via the Android / iOS Pawbo Life app and you’ll get to see, hear and also talk back to your pets. You can even dispense treats, take photos or play games. Up to 8 different smartphones can log into the camera, enabling the entire family and others to see if your beloved pooch or moggie is well.

Further accessories, including the Pawbo Flash and Pawbo Catch, are available. The Pawbo Flash detects the how dark it is and turns on a light so that you can still see your pet at night time. The Pawbo Catch provides a “teaser toy”, meaning that you can interact with your cat even while you’re miles away.

The camera has a 720P HD live video and 130 degree wide-angle lens. It’s designed for cats, dogs and even rabbits. It costs £159 which is the Christmas promotion offer which finishes at the end of the year. You get the Pawbo+, Pawbo Flash and two bags of treats. The normal price of the Pawbo+ alone is £149. Head to their website here.

Stand aside for the promotional video people!
