Big Things Ahead – HTChange

Big Things Ahead   HTChange
You may not know it, but HTC actually stands for High Tech Computer… Umm.. Corporation. However, this new video sees the company tweaking the letters to stand for something else.

“Here’s To Change” states, as they confidently slap down their huge chopper.

The teaser video apparently features Robert Downey Jr and a flash of the HTC One Max, but the jury remains open. Personally I think it’s reminiscent of the classic A-Team opening intro credits, but that perhaps shows my age more than anything else.

“I ain’t getting on no plane fool”…

Decide for yourself below. First, the HTC Teaser…

…and now the A-Team opening credits.

..I wanted to be Face Man when I grew up…. never did get that Corvette… Sigh … I do remember me and my brother sitting in front of the TV and pretending to shoot the A-Team logo though… that was fun. 🙂

One Response

  1. Martin