SonnyDickson is not a familiar name within Apple circles, or at least he wasn’t until yesterday.
Posted on his Twitter feed yesterday were a few images of what he claims is the reported upcoming iPad Mini.
The pictures unfortunately don’t stretch to a model that is working but they do highlight the shrunken lightning port and the fact that there is 32gb of storage onboard.
Now we clearly are not in a position to confirm of these pics are the real deal or just a mock up but this certainly proves that there is certainly a thirst for a shrunken iPad!
He’s a researcher at 9to5 mac one of the beiggest apple blogs ever
thank you, surprising that an apple blogger (or even a researcher for a large apple blog) would leak photos of an upcoming product…..
Not surprising at all, there is the new Kindle Fire, the Nexus 7 (soon to be available in 32g), the Nook colour etc, Apple are accidentally allowing these to slip out so that people who want a smaller sized tablet will wait for tha Apple offering rather than putting their money after someone elses.
Apple now have proper competition in the tablet market place and are covering their bases by allowing these leaks. If there were no tablets in the 7″ size bracket Apple would not even be doing this.