You may have noticed that Google Maps for Android has been updated in the last day or so. Normally these updates do not add anything too exciting. This update however has added a couple of features that make this an essential app for travelling around. First of all they have introduced Public Transport directions, this will tell you which bus to catch, where to catch it, what time the next bus is coming and where to get off. The second interesting thing they have introduced is, the ability to download a section of the map to use when you do not have a signal or you are roaming abroad. This is available in the labs section of the app. Below are a fe screenshots so you can get an idea of how these features work.
Google Maps for Android has a few new features.
July 7, 2011
Love Google Maps. One of Android’s key USPs.
Good to see that the comments are OK for you now Rav! 🙂
Leigh Geary (Gears)
great love it an the transport info damm i just paid for a app to do this !!
New android maps allow see buildings in 3D view thats really impressed!
Really helpful that. At work only a few miles from Manchester City Centre, a train station and numerous bus stops in spitting distance. Google Maps tells me it’s a 44 minute walk because it doesn’t have any transit info.
Sweet! I need the exercise anyway!
All great, no doubt… Now, the one thing Google could do to improve the Maps experience for (slightly) older people such as me, whose eyesight is no longer sharp enough to identify a gnat’s sex at 50 paces, is to make the text (street names, place names, etc.) displayed on a map enlarge when you tap Magnify. It is truly maddening to see the size of the streets zoom up, and to still not be able to read the name of the street! (Unless it’s just me…? I’m using an HTC Desire early model, software v, Googlemaps up to date, although still waiting for this latest version).
Try Offi Public Transport (free) gives you nearest bus stops and what buses run from there and the times
Also has a screen app to add your favourite stop