iPhone Coverage – The decision

iPhone Coverage   The decision Last week we asked whether you’d like to see iPhone coverage here. We had a lot of responses and, off the back of that, I’d like to announce our plans going forward. Firstly, yes – we will start covering iPhone, but we won’t be going as in-depth as our Windows Phone / Android coverage. As some of you have seen, our iPhoneBANG site hasn’t been a huge success, so our plan is to cover the major iPhone events only.

Microsoft are hurting now, their mobile offering has become a little outdated and I firmly believe it’s because they ignored the competition. I don’t think we should ignore the competition, but at the same time I don’t think the amount of iPhone news we want to post is enough for a separate site and I believe we should give a more measured view on iPhone coverage.

So, we’ll be closing down iPhoneBANG soon and adding the major events here when they happen. As usual, if you don’t want to see it, click the appropriate OS from the links above. You can filter our site by browsing to android.coolsmartphone.com or winmo.coolsmartphone.com as appropriate.