Huge new VoIP solution

Huge new VoIP solution I’m a big fan of VoIP however I feel that the existing peer-to-peer clients like Skype don’t tell the whole story. Today a company called iC-Talk have announced the launch of their revolutionary business-class telephone solution. This is pure VoIP and it’s industry standard – no peer-to-peer stuff here. This works with your existing ISDN lines plus it will hop onto the internet to route calls too. This is especially powerful if you have seperate offices in different areas or countries and, thanks to many years of investment and research, there’s perfect call quality throughout.

Based on IP means that the entire system is incredibly easy to manage and install. Extra extensions can be plugged in and added in seconds – with no extra cabling. Even better is the fact that conference rooms, on-hold facilities, voice-mail and everything else you’d expect from a weighty phone system is already included in their Media Manager boxes.

The guys at iC-Talk are currently enlisting partners to support the install and maintenance of this product, which has immense mark-up potential for partners. However it’s not only the partners who’ll win. Customers using the new VoIP solution – such as Seddons Construction have said..

“An entire site installed & working within 2 days with more features and flexibility than any of our existing systems and around half the cost we were quoted for other systems, coupled with the call savings make this the best telephone system we have ever seen.”

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